What To Know Before Converting Petrol Cars To CNG?
If you are thinking of converting your car from petrol to CNG. Here’s what you should know such as performance etc.
At a time when fuel prices continue to surge, the continuous desire for cheap fuel is rising. Choosing a CNG kit is a common solution for many commercial vehicles. Before making your mind up know about the essentials to run your car on CNG.
Let’s check out a few things one must know before installing a CNG kit:
Vehicle Compatibility
It must be known that only petrol cars can be converted into CNG kits. Even not all petrol cars only a few have the option for CNG Kit. Firstly, you need to check whether your car falls under the prescribed list of cars. After confirming the applicability, you can move to further things.
CNG Car insurance
Once you get a CNG kit installed in your car, you need to pay additional insurance for the car. Many of the people don’t know but yes you need another car insurance if you changed your car from petrol to CNG.
Availability of Fuel
Before you decide don’t forget to check the availability of CNG Kit Price in Mumbai in your area. If you live in a small town you must enquire about the refueling stations and distance between the nearest CNG station to your location. If you find it suitable then you can opt for a CNG kit.
Price versus performance
Running a car on Sequential CNG Kit Price in Ahmedabad might be beneficial for you but performance can be hampered also. It’s up to you whether you choose good performance and high price or little less performance and low price.
Maintenance Cost
Often, it’s the low running costs that might attract you to choose the CNG kit. As compared to petrol cars the maintenance cost for CNG cars is much lesser.
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